Guidance for recordal of Trademark assignment in Cambodia

10/04/2020 - 06:38

A trademark assignment in Cambodia must be made in writing and registered with the Trademark Office in order to be valid in Cambodia.

Recordal of assignments against trademark applications is feasible. The assignor (a beneficial owner of trademark) can assign to the assignee (other organisations or individuals) his full protected rights in relation to the trademark. All the assigned objects should be specified in the contract and must be recorded by the Cambodian trademark office. The objects of trademark assignment in Cambodia include goodwill. Goodwill is an intangible asset that provides added value to a trademark’s worth. A mark is a symbol of the owner’s goodwill in the business and the goods or services associated with the mark.

1. Required documents

If the owner of a trademark in Cambodia wishes to assign the rights to use, these documents must be supplied:

(i) A original Notarized Power of Attorney (POA) either in the name of Assignor OR Assignee;

(ii) One original Deed of Assignment which must be executed by legal representative person of both Assignee and Assignor and certified by a Notary Public;

(iii) Original current Certificate of trademark registration

2. Costs for Trademark assignment in Cambodia

The package cost including both official fees and all inclusive attorney’s fee and disbursements for the recordal of assignment for the trademark from the time of filing up to the obtaining the recordal of assignment.

3. Time frame

It takes approximately 5 months from the filing date to complete the recordal of assignment for the trademark registration.

The Trademark assignment in Cambodia must be submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology to be recorded. After that, it will start to take effect and be protected.

In case you require more information or require advice on trademark assignment in Cambodia or Intellectual Property right in Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia as well as other IP matters, please do not hesitate to contact us via email:

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