Amendment of trademark in Laos

10/04/2020 - 06:11

Any amendment of trademark in Laos in respect of the ownership of the registered mark or registered mark is required to be recorded in Laos to have the change effected.

Like other countries, Laos adopts the International Classification of Goods and Services under the Nice Agreement. Multi-class applications are now accepted in Laos. According to the revised Article 33 of the IP Law concerning Application for registration of exclusive trademark in Laos, one registration application is valid for only one trademark but may apply to more than one class of goods or services as per the International Classification. (Notice No. 57/MOST.DIP issued by The Laos Intellectual Property Department, Ministry of Science and Technology).

1. Required documents

Applications for amendment of Trademark Certificate(s) must be filed with the Trademark Department of Laos and the following documents are required:

(i) An original notarized Bilingual Power of Attorney (POA) in the owner’s new name.
(ii) An original notarized Declaration reflecting the change of name;
(iii) Concerning copy Certificate of trademark registration.

One original notarized POA and Declaration of change of name are sufficient for all marks/ classes in the same registrant.

2. Cost

The package cost including both official fees and all inclusive attorney’s and disbursements for the recordal of change of name for one registration for amendment of trademark in Laos.

3. Time frame

It takes approximately 06 – 12 months from the filing date to complete the recordal.

The Laos Trademark Office will issue Official Recordal Letter with Lao Trademark Office’s stamp to confirm the change.

In case you require more information or require advice on amendment of trademark in Laos or Intellectual Property right in Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia as well as other IP matters, please do not hesitate to contact us via email:

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