Registration of industrial designs in Cambodia

01/04/2020 - 09:11

Registration of industrial designs in Cambodia is governed by the Cambodian Patent Law, Utility Models and Industrial Designs. However, Cambodia also prioritizes the application of international treaties to which it is a party when a conflict of laws occurs.

To be protected, industrial designs must be new before filing or filing within the priority period. Product models disclosed within 12 months of the application or registration within the priority period cannot be registered. Industrial designs contrary to public or moral orders are also excluded.

In Cambodia, in order to register the industrial design, the applicant being a foreigner must go through an Industrial Property representative to reside and work in Cambodia. These representatives will act on behalf of the application holder at the Department of Industrial Property, under the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy.

Direct access to industrial property representatives in Cambodia is not easy due to language and geographical difficulties. Therefore, the owner of an industrial design may use an industrial property representative in Vietnam such as Truong Xuan to work with the representative in Cambodia on behalf of the customer. This will help customers save time as well as ensure a fast, safe trademark registration process at a more reasonable cost.

Documents to provide:

– Information about the applicant and the author: name, address and nationality;
– Pictures or photographs of the design (showing the industrial design in the following positions: perspective view, front view, rear view, left view, right view view, top view, bottom view, and image showing usage status if applicable). Note that the resolution must be at least 300 DPI;
– The original power of attorney has been notarized;
– Notarized original document of transfer of application; if the author is not the applicant;
– Papers proving the preferred documents and the English translation (if any).

In fact, in order for an industrial design to be protected, the test period may be longer than the standard from the date of filing. Through the Industrial Property Representative in Vietnam, such as Truong Xuan, it is possible to shorten the above period.

If you need any further information or advice on industrial design registration in Cambodia as well as other Intellectual Property issues, please contact us at the information below: